The Devotion To Coffee

Helena Meyer

There is no doubt that coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Caffeine has evolved throughout time and created various drinks, but one drink that has also gone strong and been extremely favorable – is coffee. The way caffeine is produced has changed and grown significantly. It is easier to get now because it is found in coffee shrubs, tea trees, nuts, and cocoa beans. The chemical in our brain, adenosine, is the main factor contributing to tiredness and fatigue. When coffee is taken in, the caffeine fights with adenosine, making it feel more alert and wake to feel. This occurs because caffeine comes in and takes the place of the adenosine molecule. The adenosine can no longer go where it should because the caffeine has taken its spot, giving us that “first sip feeling” or “morning jolt.” Caffeine plays against the changes in how we feel, and much more goes into it than we think while consuming it. 

Coffee is not only craved for its taste and the caffeine but also for its feeling of happiness and good benefits. Researcher Dr. M Warburton observed that even the littlest amount of caffeine provided could increase satisfaction and decrease stress and tenseness. To go along with this, it can provide extra benefits, especially when combined with exercise, through improving cognitive movement. Not only does it benefit the body during training, but it also enhances reaction times and the logical thinking process of a person. However, even though all these things sound great, they have a few downsides. The biggest thing about consuming coffee and caffeine, in general, is time the tolerance builds up over time. This can make the initial shock of caffeine not as great, and is why so many people attempt to take a break from it. 

Coffee will always be a sustainable drink that many people depend on, especially students, employees, and workers. A study done by clinical nutrition found that ninety-two percent of students drink caffeine regularly. Surprisingly, the ages of thirty-five-year-olds to forty-nine-year-olds have the highest consumption rates of caffeine. Of all types of caffeine chosen, coffee retakes the win in that category and is shown as the primary source of caffeine consumption for that category of adults. In teens and young adults, it was a common trend to coffee and energy drinks, and for children, soda was the primary source of caffeine intake for energy. The devotion to coffee is due to everyone’s intense devotion to caffeine. Coffee keeps us all moving and motivates so many people’s lives. When it is broken down, so many distinct factors and details play into the devotion to coffee, and they all work to push us step by step in our days.