If you do not already know me, my name is Tuscani Orris, I am a senior, and I have been your 2023-24 Editor-in-Chief for The MANE.

With graduation approaching us, and only mere days left in the school year, I wanted to reflect on our accomplishments this season. We wrote and edited a plethora of good reads, planned events for the kids at the grade school up the hill (Christmas Party, Easter Egg Hunt), partook in various field trips (Little Italy, the Zoo, etc), and designed your 2023-24 yearbook. We even launched Lion TV.
However, because The MANE has been my primary jurisdiction throughout the year, I just wanted to take a moment and say a huge thank you to all of you who have read, interacted with, and even contributed to The MANE this past year. It was a very enjoyable experience for me, as I am sure it was for you all as well. Although I was unable to experience the latter half of being in Yearbook, my experience was just as awesome.
I also would like to extend a thank you to Mr. Brlecic, “Mr. B,” who bestowed upon me the opportunity to hold this position and allowed my creative writing liberties to thrive. I did what I loved, which was writing. Even if a majority of it was about cars.
That being said, I am passing the baton to whoever is elected my successor and wishing you the best of luck. Write some killer stories!
To the entire student body: Good luck with all your finals, and have a great summer!
If cars are something of your interest, you can keep up with me on Instagram: @xxtusc :))
Not seeing you next August,
This is Tuscani Orris, signing off.