The Lenten Season has finally reached us! This is our time, as Catholics, to shine in our faith and become a beacon of hope for all those around us. Within our fasting, we recognize the many ways that Jesus sacrificed his life for the rest of the world and for eternity. Today, Wednesday March 5, 2025, NDCL celebrated Ash Wednesday, or the beginning of Lent, in mass. All students and staff had the opportunity to receive the cross ashes on their foreheads, and were reminded they were made of dust, and to dust they shall return.
What really is Lent? Lent is a forty day period leading up to Easter where Catholics will focus on three habits; prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Prayer is one of the best ways that we, as Catholics, can grow in our relationship with God and get to really know him. Some ways to incorporate prayer in your daily life is by studying the bible, praying the rosary, going to adoration, going to confession, and even attending mass regularly. Fasting, the most known of the three, takes place when we choose something or many things to give up for these next forty days. Some examples of things or habits that pull us further away from God are gossiping, social media, fast food, technology, swearing, and anything else that we use to satisfy ourselves rather than turning to God. Lastly, we will give alms by offering ourselves up to others around us for help, donations, support, or even preaching the word of God. It is important that this lasts all forty days, as we honor Jesus’ forty day and 40 night journey of fasting with no food or water in the desert. At the end of the forty day period, Catholics will celebrate Easter and the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
If you haven’t already, start thinking about what YOU need to fast from or practice more of during this season. From giving up sweets, to fasting from gossip or social media, all fasting is important and should be practiced. Wishing the best of luck!