Teenage Wasteland

Gianna Palmisano

Inflation In recent times, inflation around the US has skyrocketed. Not only has this drastically affected the economy, but it has also made famous remarks on teenage life. A minimum wage job is not covering the price of any of my minuscule wants or needs, especially with the current outrageous gas prices. Unfortunately, school is not optional. The commute to school and back is obtrusive for someone like me who lives in Cleveland Heights. A 45-minute, 18-mile drive twice daily takes a drastic toll on the gas tank. Paying $3.29 per gallon is causing me and many other teens to lose all the money we waste our days working for. While getting paid only $9.50 per hour, my bank account is drained. I had to cut out fun activities like getting food, shopping, and even going to away football games to attempt to save every dime I could. This is severely damaging my teen years by taking away memories and moments I should be having fun enjoying my final year of high school. I had to turn my life to accommodate gas prices, which is very unfortunate as a teenager. While paying for things myself (such as gas) is teaching me responsibility and giving me a sense of independence, It’s also robbing myself and many others of experiences that should be cherished. I hope and pray that our government leaders and officials work to find an end to this severe issue. Money does not grow on trees, and inflation is highly detrimental to our country. Men, women, families, and teens’ lives have all been altered due to inflation. However, I am optimistic for our future involving this issue and am thankful for any progress made to improve the economy daily.