Gilmore Girls


Jessica Mekhel

The American comedy and drama television series, Gilmore Girls, was created by Amy Sherman-Palladino. It focuses on a single mother, Lorelai, and her teen daughter Rory living in Stars Hollow, Connecticut. Lorelai grew up living in a lavish home with wealthy parents but always felt like she did not belong and wanted to break free; her wish was granted through Rory. They often rebelled against her parents and met one of her love interests, Christopher, when they were teenagers. Lorelai ended up getting pregnant, and their life began to shake. Her mother, Emily, often thinks that the world revolves around her and hates the idea of her daughter stopping her education. Although Emily and her husband Richard tried their best to control their daughter, they failed; Lorelai decided to break free. 

She met the owner of a small inn, and the owner saw potential in Lorelai, so she began working at the Independence Inn. She started as a maid and worked her way up to executive management. She was a single mother who worked hard, loved her kid, and never gave up, she had the heart of a survivor, and they grew up in a small barn behind the inn. Just as Lorelai worked her way up to manager Rory did the same when she was accepted into Chilton, a highly-known high school that opened up a lot of opportunities, she was disappointed to leave her friends behind but was hopeful for the future and her life at Chilton, but her mother could not afford the tuition on her own. Hence, she gathered her strength and asked her parents for help. At first, it was going smoothly until her mother, Emily, took the opportunity to get something out of it: weekly Friday dinners. When finding out she is going to her grandparents for dinner, Rory makes a joke saying, “But it’s September, what holiday is in September” implying that they do not visit their family as often as they should and sees it weird to go without a special occasion or holiday being the reason (Season 1 Episode 1, 27:33). Although Lorelai did not want her daughter to know that to pay for her to have a good education at the first dinner Rory overheard an argument between Emily and Lorelai and found out her mom asked them for money. Still, she thought of her mom’s action to be brave. She had always looked up to her mother, starting her life again out of nothing, the things she had sacrificed, and seeing her as a sister.

They are happy with their lives in Stars Hollow and living simply. Entertainment was everywhere, and all the citizens were one happy community centered around Luke’s Diner and their town’s meeting squabble. Throughout the series, the characters experience hundreds of situations where they want to stand up and walk away. Still, no matter what they do, they cannot because the other leads them back more substantial together. Just as Lorelai and Rory were allowed to better their future through the independence inn and her acceptance into Chilton, Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin allows its students to dive into law and look into hypothetical cases, whether they are interested in a future career in law or not.