Carter Clause

Carter Fife

Everyone knows about the Santa Clauses you see at the mall; they are there for little kids to take pictures and tell Santa what they want for Christmas. As you grow older, you tend to do this less and less. That leaves us with the big question: what is it like to see Santa as a senior in high school?  

Seeing Santa is an excellent experience as a kid and even more remarkable as a senior. Well, mainly, it’s not easy for Santa. It could put him in a bad mood and ruin your experience. As a kid, Santa was in a bad mood, and he made me cry. When Santa asks you what you want for Christmas, you must make sure you ask nicely; if you don’t, you may not get it. Taking a picture is the most important part; it solidifies your moment with Santa. Make sure you are looking at the camera and crushing Santa’s leg. The visit with Santa is over. The guy playing Santa is relieved that you finally got up off his lap, then you get to make the awkward walk of parents staring at you, asking why someone your age would go and meet Santa.  

In conclusion, meeting Santa as a senior benefits you. You can get your picture taken while holding up kids who should be seeing Santa in the line. Taking a walk and looking at the parents is the best yet most awkward feeling, but who cares? They didn’t get to sit on Santa’s lap because they were too scared to.